How to protect your employees and business in this pandemic
The world and what we have considered normal has changed completely in this year. With no visible end to the pandemic, it is imperative to adjust to this uncertainty.
The world and what we have considered normal has changed completely in this year. With no visible end to the pandemic, it is imperative to adjust to this uncertainty.
Now that the world is coming out of lockdown and businesses starting to re-open again, the travel and hospitality industry will see footfalls soon.
This pandemic has given new meaning to the word “cleaning”. Hygiene isn’t limited to humans now. Surfaces and areas we come into contact with must also be maintained germ-free.
Researchers say that a toilet seat is cleaner than a lot of objects and surfaces that we touch frequently. We touch an average of 30 surfaces in about an hour.
The year 2020 has been a roller coaster so far where we have realised importance of many things and one of them is the habit of hands washing.
In the post Covid world, you have been given the go-ahead to open your facility for operations. You have selected a reopening date and are considering the right disinfectant to stock up for your facility.
Since time immemorial harmful micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses have ruthlessly wreaked havoc on our species. Though we fought overtimes to survive;
In all your hectic mornings as you rushed without having breakfast, evenings when you chose pubs over gyms, those moments when you medicated me with drugs rather practice breathing, times you could have cared for me but didn’t.
From whole grains, edible and medicinal mushrooms to mammalian milk, spring water and various medicines for more than 2,000 years, silver has played an integral role
According to the studies 1 in 5 people don’t wash their hands regularly and out of those who do, do not wash them with soaps.
It’s not always the big things we are aware of, at times it’s the small things we are unaware of that cause the most harm in the end!
Let me pour in all our attributes and values to make you more familiar with our brand Kleenforce.
For a time during the 20th Century, ready access to water and sanitation, combined with the availability of vaccines and antibiotics, seemed to offer the possibility that infectious disease would someday become a thing of the past.
Have you ever imagined what wonders could an education on hand hygiene and it’s maintenance ( apart from all subjects taught ) do in schools??
It took just a virus to make the world come to a standstill. Majority of the world is in some form of lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic.