Hand Hygiene that meets perfectly your fast paced needs.

by Arun Kumar 10th January 2020


According to the studies 1 in 5 people don’t wash their hands regularly and out of those who do, do not wash them with soaps. So, even if you are from the category of those who wash their hands and that too with soap, there is a great chance that you cross your paths and shake hands with those people who do not.

Let’s face it there are not only Homo sapiens that we cross our paths with, there are thousands of bacteria’s and viruses that are present in the air and we cannot wash our hands with the rapid frequency it is required to. This is where sanitizers come in to the picture as saviors. We can just rub our hands with a few drops of a sanitizer and save ourselves from potential threats.

We have been facing these pandemic situations for a while now, be it SAARS, MERS, H1N1, Covid-19, it has now almost become imperative to carry a pocket or a bag tag sanitizer with ourselves all the times and use it as frequently as possible. But at the same time we also have a fear of using the chemical sanitizer as they can be degrading for our hands.

With Kleenforce we deeply understood these concerns of people. Being pioneers in intelligent chemistry with great expertise we delved in to come up with an innovative solution. Our Instant Hand Sanitizer HS-100 which has imbibed benefits of Ayurveda along with the qualities of Prasanna(alcohol) and presence of glycerin, makes sure the process of disinfection goes easy on your hands so you can use the sanitizer as many times as you wish, without having to worry about the roughness of your hands.

Let’s lead a healthy change by keeping our hands safe and soft 😊!