How to protect your employees and business in this pandemic
The world and what we have considered normal has changed completely in this year. With no visible end to the pandemic, it is imperative to adjust to this uncertainty. Business have started to reopen again and people are trying to regain some normalcy by going about their daily lives while following the safety protocols.
How do you ensure that your business runs smoothly while safeguarding your employees? Prof.Kleen tells you the roadmap towards creating a safe and successful work environment during this pandemic.

Before re-opening the doors of your office, create a complete plan involving these 10 points:
- Installing alternate options for opening doors like push through doors on either sides.Testing employees everyday for COVID symptoms at entry points
- Avoiding bio-metric sign in and looking for other options
- Routine check up for employees
- Experimenting with limited workforce to maintain productivity
- Staggering schedule to limit the number of employees in office
- Creating a contingency plan for maintaining production when employees fall sick
- Limiting interaction between employees in the common areas like conference rooms, break rooms and wash rooms.
- Installing motion sensing lights and taps to minimise the amount of commonly touched germ hotspots around the office.
- Installing Arogya Setu app for all employees

This is the most important part to focus on before reopening your doors to your employees. While weekly or alternate day cleaning was enough for pre-COVID era, it is definitely not enough now. Care must be taken to ensure that office spaces are deep cleaned everyday.
Go through your current cleaning procedure. Amend them to incorporate sanitising and disinfecting to eliminate bacteria and viruses. Some of the main germspots to be noted in offices are:
- Entry points - Install hand sanitiser near entry and exit points. Install them at multiple locations around the office space. Prof.Kleen recommends HS-100, certified by AYUSH ministry for effective sanitation and to retain the softness of the hands.
- Conference rooms and board rooms - People move in and out of this place often and it’s possible that the place is highly contaminated. Care must be taken to ensure that they are disinfected before and after every meeting. ID 100 and SD 100, disinfectants formulated by Prof.Kleen can be used on a variety of surfaces for effective disinfection. All disinfectant solutions by Kleen Force are FDA approved. To know more about the range of disinfectant solutions available from Kleen Force, click here.
- Floors - If there is one surface we cannot avoid, its the floors. Keeping them shiny and spot free won’t cut it now. Floors must be sanitised as well. A cleaner cum disinfectant like FC-100 can do the job of keeping the floors spic and span while disinfecting them for protection against microbes. For a cleaner with a pleasing fragrance, Prof.Kleen suggests FC 207.
- Consider increasing circulation of outdoor air, if possible to minimise the risk of breathing in circulated air.
- Do mock drills of situations when an employee tests positive for symptoms to ascertain the difficulties in executing the situation.
- Washrooms - Another germspot in any space are washrooms. Since there’s multitudes of people walking in and out of the washrooms and using the same facilities, risk of infection runs high here. Proper and frequent disinfection of the entire area is vital to maintain the safety of those using the facilities.
Prof.Kleen highlights using SC 201 for a clean and disinfected bathroom. It can work on different areas like sinks, floors, taps etc. TC 206 is a toilet bowl cleaner by Kleen Force that prevents odour while offering complete disinfection against viruses and bacteria. Both SC 201 and TC 206 from Kleen Force are FDA approved solutions to help you sustain hygiene.
To know more about the range of housekeeping solutions by Kleen Force, visit housekeeping.
It’s not entirely in the hands of the employer to protect the workforce. Employees must take care to follow the safety protocols as well. They must ensure that they are not affected during the daily commute and self check for any COVID symptoms from time to time.
Here are some things the employer can educate the employees about:

- Following the first line of defense - face mask, maintaining social distancing and washing hands often. Prof.Kleen suggests using Gentle Care Pearl and Herb for best results. Find all personal hygiene solutions offered by Kleen Force, here.
- Avoid crowding in common spaces like break rooms, lunch spaces and rest rooms. Sanitise hands before and after touching common touch points and while using other employees’ equipments.
- Stay up-to-date on government briefings about COVID and update employees on the same.
- Keeping them informed of the latest happenings makes employees feel in control of the situation.
- Inform them of the proactive planning done for the pandemic and the precautions and measures to be taken in case someone falls sick at the office premises.
- Employees can be asked to reduce the use of commonly accessed items in breakrooms for their own safety.
Even though it’s not possible to assess the danger of this pandemic, proactive planning and following safety guidelines can help minimise the spread of the virus. Ensure that your cleaning procedure confirms to the standards set by the government and train your employees to follow the #newnormal protocol.
Want to know more about cleaning solutions for your work environment? Kleen Force offers customised solutions according to your cleaning needs. Talk to us at