Is everything around you safe to touch. Lets build hygienic touchpoints!
“It’s not always the big things we are aware of, at times it’s the small things we are unaware of that cause the most harm in the end!”
Apart from all the steps we take to avoid germs have you ever wondered how many infected surfaces we touch being unaware cause they have so much embedded into our daily lives that we can’t even imagine showering a different light upon them. But it is these surfaces that hold the most potential reservoir of infectious bacteria, fungi or viruses which easily get transferred to our body. Right as we wake the first surface we touch is our mobile screens. Then door handles, kitchen counters, elevator buttons, switches, office desks, computers, keyboards, coffee mugs and the list is endless. Research shows that we touch over 300 surfaces every 30 minutes!
And the pathway for these pathogens then turns simple. Any person with infection becomes the contaminated source. The object serves as the intermediary surface for germs which spread far and wide quickly. Through a touch they are picked up by a healthy individual and enter into the body through mucous membranes on the face — eyes, nose, and mouth that act as pathways to the throat and lungs.
A bacteria on doorknobs and tabletops has ability to spread to 40-60% of people in an office within two to four hours. A single note (paper currency) can harbor up to 3,000 different types of bacteria one of which can live on an ATM uptill 17 days! A phone screens which forms the start and end of each day, has more germs than a toilet seat!! Don’t be surprised for most people don't clean their phone screens and often share phones. A Journal of Applied Microbiology study warned that up to 30% of viruses could be transferred from a fingertip to a glass surface. Though it is highly recommended not to touch our face with contaminated hands or surfaces, but we already know how hard it is as touching generally occurs without thinking. People touch their faces more than 20 times an hour on average. Phone screens touch our faces not only while taking a call but also while messaging.
Surprised and scared?? All this cleaning would seem to be a lot of work right? Well!....Don’t worry for we have made the process easy and convenient enough to fit in your rushing lifestyles while providing you the ultimate protection you want. ID-100, instant disinfectant spray by BR contains unique formulation of isopropyl alcohol and quat compounds that renders instantaneous elimination of all types of bacteria, fungi and viruses within few seconds. Due to quat properties it is able to break down the complexes of cell walls, the presence of alcohol reduces the time span of action from minutes to few seconds making it highly efficient due to its anti-microbial property. We understand the importance of your daily touching surfaces to you hence this compound is developed to not cause any corrosion or leave residue on hard non- porous surfaces rendering them perfectly clean.
Let us make Touch Points Healthy means safer and healthier surfaces which translates into safer and healthier spaces and safer and healthier people😊!