New cleaning practice, Target Cleaning

by Arun Kumar 10th January 2020

For a time during the 20th Century, ready access to water and sanitation, combined with the availability of vaccines and antibiotics, seemed to offer the possibility that infectious disease would someday become a thing of the past. As a result, hygiene has received declining attention in recent decades. Not surprisingly we see at the turn of the century, Infectious diseases moving back up the health agenda. As per researchers if we all want to combat and control the spread of these massive diseases in a manner that is economically sustainable, the responsibility for hygiene must be shared and actively participated into by the public. And for the responsibility to be taken it is required to first gain proper information. One such new fact that came up is target hygiene.

Are you under the conception that day to day regular dusting or cleaning your homes, keeps you at bay from all the potentially harmful microbes that are constantly shed into the environment? We need to understand that microbes are invisible, hence a visibly clean surface is not necessarily hygienically clean. To ensure them hygienic they must be treated not to clean away rather kill these microbes on surfaces. The effective way to protect your surroundings and yourself from them is to target them when they are most likely to be spreading. We call this ‘targeted hygiene’.

Harmful microbes enter our homes or spaces largely by external sources. Infected people, pets, contaminated food etc. And the biggest carriers of these infections are hands, through which all other surfaces become the secondary carriers. We can be infected by these microbes by touching an infected surface and then touching the mouth, nose or eyes, or by eating food by contaminated hands.

This is known as the ‘chain of infection’. All links in the chain need to be in place for an infection to spread. Yes, you guessed it right by now of course! The aim of target hygiene is to visualize this entire concept of chain of infection and then breaking it to stop it!

For that we first need to understand what all surfaces carry the highest potential of risk and at what times or situations are harmful microbes are most likely to be spread for example food handling, using the toilet, coughing, handling and disposing of refuse etc.

And then applying a measure to not only remove these pathogens rather inactivate them entirely from these surfaces as well as the carriers to break the chain.

Well now comes the real dilemma , once we did all that hard work of understanding and targeting we would surely want now to apply the best and most effective measures to break it. Thinking what to do??.....

Don’t worry for we understand your hard work and concern. With our Kleenforce brand we bring you the assurance to provide the ultimate solutions to your problems. ID-100, instant disinfectant spray ensures that all these hard touch surfaces don’t let the pathogens continue the chain by instantly destroying them efficiently. HS-100, instant hand sanitizer makes sure that “hands- the biggest carriers” remain no longer the carriers of pathogens in the chain, rendering them safe and soft.

Let’s together practice targeted hygiene not only to protect ourselves, but also to have a peace of mind. For now, you will be practicing the best prevention than cure!