Importance of surface disinfection for better hygiene
This pandemic has given new meaning to the word “cleaning”. Hygiene isn’t limited to humans now. Surfaces and areas we come into contact with must also be maintained germ-free. Several studies have shown that contaminated surfaces can transmit disease-causing pathogens to humans. When humans cough or sneeze, they send droplets flying. These droplets land on other people and various surfaces. When a person comes in contact with these surfaces, they risk infection.
Various facilities like educational institutions, office spaces, and manufacturing industries have different methods of cleaning. The area of focus differs from each facility. Cleaning is the process of wiping or removing visible dirt, grime, or stains.
Traditional cleaning methods remove a lot of organisms from the surface, but they don’t provide complete protection against smaller microorganisms. Sanitizing helps kill smaller microorganisms like bacteria, but are not very effective against fungi. Disinfection is the ultimate step in maintaining hygiene and preventing infection. Disinfecting the surfaces helps destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms.

Different surfaces in different locations need unique levels of disinfection. One method cannot fit all scenarios. Kleen Force has solutions under Infection control to cater to those needs. It is wise to assess the entire area to be disinfected by proper hygiene experts to formulate a hygiene program beneficial for the company.
In many industries, some of the most commonly touched surfaces are doorknobs, chairs, telephones, keyboards, mouse, common areas like the break room and recreational room. Solutions with shorter contact time need to be chosen in these situations for effectively wiping out microbes. For instance, ID-100, an instant surface disinfectant can be used in these scenarios.
ID-100 has an almost instant reaction time against the microbes. It has an intelligent blend of Alcohol and Quat technology that breaks down the walls of microorganisms for effective disinfection. ID-100 can be used on any non-porous surfaces like tables, furniture, walls, and other places that are non-reactive to alcohol. With instant action against microbes, they are highly efficient and are easy to use. ID-100 can simply be sprayed on the surfaces that need a deep cleaning for it to work. No dilution or wiping the surface is necessary.
For manufacturing industries and other surroundings that need deep cleaning, the applicable method of disinfection changes. Concentrated solutions that can be diluted based on the level of disinfection required make the most economic sense. To cover large walls and surfaces, it is easier to opt for a fogging or spraying method. Choose a disinfection solution compatible with the fogging method. Solutions that are chlorine-free and bleach-free is an ideal choice.
SD-100 by Kleen Force is a concentrated cleaning solution that can also be used in aerosol format for the complete disinfection of the surroundings. For wiping surfaces, simply mix water and SD-100 solution and start wiping the surfaces. The solution needs a contact time of 10-15 seconds to work. After 15 seconds, wipe the surface for complete disinfection. For larger areas, the aerosol method can be used. Use the fogger to spray on walls and other non-porous surfaces for effective deep cleaning.
Its versatility in the application makes it ideal for extensive areas and sectors like public transportation, education, commercial buildings, and manufacturing industries like automobiles, textiles, etc..
This is something we need to walk comfortably but never pay attention to. Floors! Floors cannot be ignored in the process of complete disinfection.
The floors get contaminated easily and they can transmit infectious diseases and act as a host for various disease-causing pathogens.But not all chemicals can be skin and surface friendly. It also needs to be highly effective in eliminating fungi, bacteria, and viruses with short contact time.

FC-100, a next-generation solution by Kleen Force acts as a multi-purpose solution that can also be used to disinfect floors. With powerful quat technology, it can eliminate up to 99.9% pathogens. It is suitable for multiple surfaces including but not limited to glass, plastic, laminated wooden tables, and other non-porous surfaces.
For a variety of industries, floor cleaning is essential. With a huge population using the floors, it is important to disinfect the floors properly to sustain hygiene. FC-100 is a concentrated solution that can be diluted depending upon the intensity of the cleaning required. The solution is also designed to give out a pleasant smell after cleaning. It is environment friendly and safe to use, making it the ideal choice for various sectors like education, public transportation, etc..
Hygiene has become the keyword in this pandemic. Using environment-friendly products for cleaning and disinfecting is the right step towards sustainability and caring for our earth. Ecover N is a disinfectant solution that is highly effective against germs and bacteria while being eco-friendly.
With a combination of Nanosilver particles and Hydrogen peroxide, Ecover N is a multi-surface solution that is completely bio-degradable. Its bio-friendly nature and unique composition can help fight bacteria on hard surfaces as well as air and water. Hydrogen peroxide is known for its high efficiency and low toxicity. Nanosilver particles give you nano level disinfection. These compounds are eco-friendly and odorless, making it safe for use in various surroundings like open air, medical facilities, swimming pools, sewage, and water treatment plants, agricultural soil fumigation apart from disinfecting non-porous surfaces.
Ecover N is suitable for the fogging method. This biodegradable solution can be used to fog open-air places, hospitals, malls, food, and pharmaceutical industries where the aerosol application of disinfectant makes the process easier and safer.
It is also suitable for water treatment in swimming pools, and spas where other chemical solutions might harm people when they come in contact with them. Ecover N is highly effective and can also treat sewage treatment plants.
This effective and environment-friendly solution can be used to deep clean non-porous surfaces and can disinfect medical equipment, workspaces, production industries, and more. Ecover N degrades into Hydrogen and Oxygen, making it a safe product that can be used anywhere.
With the fogging method, proper procedure must be followed for the disinfection process to work. Bear in mind the following concerns while employing this method.

- Using the wrong product for aerosol applications. Not all cleaning solutions are fogging friendly. An appropriate survey of the area must be done and the cleaning staff must be made aware of the different solutions that are used in the cleaning process. This is why a chlorine-free, bleach-free product makes the ideal solution for the disinfection process in this method.
- Spraying near electrical circuits and equipment. Fogging releases the disinfectant in the form of spray droplets and they can cause havoc on electrical circuits and components.
- Not using an adequate amount of chemicals. With the fogging method, all areas need to be coated properly with the solution for disinfection to happen. If the process is carried out too quickly, all areas might not be covered properly. Proper and sure movements of the fogger ensure an even coating of disinfectant all over the surface.
- Contact time - the time required for the chemicals to work on the surface after application. Contact time needs to be followed meticulously. Each solution will have different contact time depending on its components. Read the literature to know the solution’s contact time before and after dilution. The disinfectant needs to be on the surface until the contact time is met for it to work.
- Unless it is explicitly mentioned on the product label, all solutions must be wiped off the surface after their contact time. Instant disinfectants do not fall under this category. Wiping the surface removes any dirt and organisms still left out and also allows for the disinfection process to work properly the next time.
- Choose disinfectant solutions depending upon the intensity of cleaning required
- Disinfectant solutions with shorter contact time should be selected
- Different spaces might require different methods of application
- Best disinfectant solutions would be soft on the skin and tough on pathogens
- Educate cleaning staff about handling the product
- Ensure your staff has taken adequate protective measures before cleaning
- Beware of using solutions on flammable areas or porous surfaces
- While disinfecting by fogging method, teach staff about applying the proper amount of coating and test the fogger for droplet size